GlassRoots, of Newark, New Jersey is hosting a community watch of “Blown Away” via Netflix Party. The Watch Party will include one episode a week, on Monday evenings at 4:30pm (AZ time).
Each week, several of GlassRoots studio artists will join in watching, and provide commentary through the chat feature in Netflix party. We have been invited to watch with everyone and join in the discussion. Feel free to share how this is like your experience, or not like your experience. Or provide insights for the student community that will be watching.
GlassRoots will establish the party, and then share the link on their Facebook page, at 4:25pm (AZ time) each watch evening.
In order to watch Netflix Party, you need to have a Netflix account, and add the Netflix Party extension via chrome browser. To join in the chat, you have to watch Netflix on your computer, and not on your television. (Info and install link here.)