Introduction Series: Glassblowing
Introductory classes are designed for people who are ready to learn about working with molten glass in the hot shop. No experience is required, we start from the very beginning with an overview of equipment, shop movement, shop safety and shop etiquette. Students learn the properties of hot glass, how to gather the glass out of our furnace and how to shape hot glass. Students also learn how to be a good partner/assistant, which is an integral skill to successfully working in the hot shop.
For the best results in the Novice and Intermediate Series classes, we recommend taking both Introduction to Glassblowing: Fundamentals and Paperweights followed by Introduction to Glassblowing: From Bubbles to Shapes.
Introduction to Glassblowing: From Bubbles to Shapes can be taken by itself and is the prerequisite for many Novice Series classes.
Prices are per person except where otherwise noted. Additional studio time after your class can be purchased for $80 per hour.